Importance of web accessibility on your website

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When it comes to web design, understanding accessibility is of high importance, and should be considered at every stage of your website’s development.

Put simply, web accessibility is the process through which web tools and websites are designed and coded so people with disabilities can use them.

As you can imagine, the benefits of web accessibility are huge, and can have a big impact on both an individual and societal level.

If you’re interested in how this works and what the potential impact of such considerations can be, then this blog is for you: here’s everything you need to know about the importance web accessibility.


What Does Web Accessibility Mean?

Web accessibility is the idea that anyone, regardless of their auditory, cognitive, physical, or neurological ability, can access websites, online tools, and technologies.

As a tool that can be used to overcome barriers related to communication and interaction, the web can allow people to access things that would otherwise be more difficult for them to use or traverse in the physical world.

Because of this, it is important that its potential impact is considered in terms of individual use and engagement, as this can also influence the way businesses, organisations and other online projects can improve user, customer, or attendee satisfaction.

It is also important to note that accessibility is not limited to developing an inclusive approach to disability, but also includes the impact of ageing, low bandwidth or poor internet connection, as well as temporary accessibility issues due to illness.

There are several things you can do to ensure you’re optimizing your website’s accessibility, developing an inclusive online strategy that benefits both you and your customers.


Improving Accessibility through Web Design

A good content management system (CMS) can provide you with information about accessibility straight off the bat, with information on accessibility in terms of themes, layouts, and other important features being readily available.

As well as this, use of alt text for images can be beneficial for those with severe visual impairments, as it allows screen readers to explain the meaning of images that are used to convey messages, such as infographics.

For those who experience physical difficulties, web accessibility through use of the keyboard alone can make a big difference. Being able to navigate links through logical steps via the tab or arrow keys can help users navigate pages with lots of content, alongside clearly defined, uniquely labelled links to products or content.

How you use colour is also important, as an array of difficulties related to processing information are related to, or can be improved by, how it is used.

While certain colour deficiencies can make it difficult for some people to perceive text and content, use of colour to organise and differentiate content can also help people with certain learning needs differentiate between sections of information, particularly through using dark text on pastel backgrounds.

By using colour appropriately, as well as by using other visual cues to distinguish separate pieces of information or content, you are creating a more inclusive web page that will optimise your overall user and customer experience.


Find out more

Web accessibility is an important element of the online world that is constantly developing, with many other things to consider as well as what’s included in this blog.

If you want to find out more about web accessibility – or need to work with someone to ensure your business is inclusive and accessible as an online entity – contact Studio Coact today.

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